Family Resources
Feel free to browse through & utilize any of these resources we have provided for you.
Please contact us if we can further assist you in any other way.
Quick Links
We provide high-quality early childhood care and education to children from birth to five years old and beyond. Through Pre-K for All, 3-K for All, and EarlyLearn we provide high-quality early childhood education opportunities that offer all children and families a strong start in school and life.
Learn at Home Early Childhood Instructional Resources
Mental Health impacts not only our students but our families, schools, and communities. One in five children struggles, or at some point will struggle, with their mental health.
NVISION Eye Center
This free resource aims to assist parents in determining when to take their child to the doctor, eye issues they can experience, corrective lenses for children, and other topics that can aid them in ensuring their child has the best visual health possible. Take a look by clicking here.
A Family Guide to Preschool Sp.Ed. Services
Brooklyn Public Library
Routines at Home
At all times, and especially during this time of uncertainty and added stress, it is
important for children (and adults) to have some predictability and routine in their lives.
Routines help children feel safe, and they allow both children and adults to stay
calm by knowing what to expect.
Here, you will find some guidance and tools to support you with your routines at home.
Saying goodbye can be difficult for both parents and children. It is normal to have many different feelings on the first few days of school. You and your child may feel anxious, sad, excited or a combination of emotions! Here are a few tips to help you and your child on the first days of school.
Immunization Requirements
New York City has updated the school immunization requirements for the 2021-2022 school year. A list of these requirements for 2021-2022 is included in this letter.
Self-Care Tips for Busy Parents
Finding time to take care of your own needs can be a challenge for busy parents and caregivers. But it's key for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health. Here are a few simple activities to try whether you have just a few minutes to focus on you or longer.
Let's Get Ready for SCHOOL
How do you deal with the change in going back to school and giving my children confidence?
How do you deal with the change in going back to school and giving my children confidence?
Ready 4K
Ready4K is a family engagement curriculum delivered via text messages. Each week, you'll receive short texts with fun facts and easy tips and on how to promote your child's development by building on existing family routines.